FavIcon from Pics Download Package A. Installing the favicon B. What's in this favicon.ico C. More Information D. Thank You --- A. Installing the favicon --- 1. Upload favicon.ico to the root of your web folder. 2. Add the following HTML code to your web page, in between and tags: --- B. What's in this favicon.ico --- The favicon.ico in this package has 2 image formats in a single file: 16*16-pixel 256-color and 32*32-pixel 256-color. --- C. More Information --- * FavIcon from Pics homepage: http://www.html-kit.com/favicon/ * If you would like to double check the installation of your favicon, visit: http://www.htmlkit.com/go/favicon/validator/ * Answers to frequently asked questions and support forums: http://www.htmlkit.com/go/favicon/help/ * Find out about upcoming features with the RSS news feed: http://www.html-kit.com/favicon/feed/ --- D. Thank You --- Thank you for using FavIcon from Pics! If you like this service, a link to http://www.html-kit.com/favicon/ is appreciated. For more web developer tools, visit http://www.htmlkit.com/ This package was created on Thu, 30 Dec 2010 09:36:13 AM GMT